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Coral Dress

Evening Gown

Feminine & Luscious Pink Fantasy

Say hello to Arlene, a petite lady who is also a mom of three. On the surface, she may just seem like any regular client. But in reality, Arlene is a special client who got to wear my very…

Evening Gown

Bringing Sexy Back in Coral Shade

Remember when coral was the IT color back in 2016? Well, this post is going to take you back to that moment in fashion. Meet Fiona Liu, my sweet but cheeky client whom I knew back during junior high…

Evening Gown

Color Me Coral

My next client is a sweet lady from Palembang. Having heard of my dressmaking service from her friend, she wasted no time to be in touch and booked my service way ahead of her schedule. She introduced herself as…

Evening Gown

With Every Bead of My Heart

This one is for Jane, a client with an upcoming event of her sister’s wedding back then. It’s an interesting piece and a project of patience, dedication, and hard work. To start off, it’s a coral-ish palette and overall…